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Tags :: South Africa

Vensters 2016 #ConnectUS

Disclaimer: All mistakes I made, were preventable. Either with more preparation time or careful reading. Also I still made it to South Africa. ;)

Back in mid summer 2015 my supervisor in Rostock, Germany made me a unique offer: To travel as exchange scientist to a research group in Stellenbosch, South Africa. As undergraduate student helper I didn't hesitated and said yes. Normally undergraduate students, like me, are not often asked to travel abroad, so I felt and still feel very honored to do so. But there were some struggles to overcome, before I could start my journey.

Stellenbosch Sneak Peak

As I was arriving at my new home for 6 months, I didn't hesitated and captured some of my first impressions of this beautiful city. Though I'm still impressed and overwhelmed of how exciting this whole journey will be.

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