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My trip to Cape Point

It took me way longer, than I expected, but finally I crawled through over 1000 pictures. Now I'm proudly presenting the most amazing ones. Without doubt I count this journey to my most precious ones, due to the impressions I collected along the way.

First Wine Tasting

It took way to long, but last Friday I went to my first wine tasting at the Ernie Els Wine Estate, together with the lab people I'm working with. Despite from the really impressive view over the Heidelbergs around Stellenbosch, we also had some amazing food and of course some really fine wines.

Stellenbosch Wine Festival

Because Stellenbosch, the city I'm staying in, is apparently one of the finest wine regions of the world, I though it would be nice to get into this culture a bit. Luckily the annually Stellenbosch wine festival took place last week. So I captured some of the moments, while enjoying some delicious wines - even though I got a terrible sunburn.

Stellenbosch Mountain Hike

Pretty much 2 weeks ago I went for a little hike on Stellenbosch Mountain. My intention was to see a bit of the surrounding and maybe capture some sick panorama view. As usual planing was precise, but the execution went a bit wrong. First of all never go alone on a hike in region you don't know - especially with temperatures way above 30°C! Secondly set your self a fix point of return, e.g. a time or half of your water bottle. Actually basic rules of hiking. - I did everything wrong. :D

Vensters 2016 #ConnectUS

Disclaimer: All mistakes I made, were preventable. Either with more preparation time or careful reading. Also I still made it to South Africa. ;)

Back in mid summer 2015 my supervisor in Rostock, Germany made me a unique offer: To travel as exchange scientist to a research group in Stellenbosch, South Africa. As undergraduate student helper I didn't hesitated and said yes. Normally undergraduate students, like me, are not often asked to travel abroad, so I felt and still feel very honored to do so. But there were some struggles to overcome, before I could start my journey.

Stellenbosch Sneak Peak

As I was arriving at my new home for 6 months, I didn't hesitated and captured some of my first impressions of this beautiful city. Though I'm still impressed and overwhelmed of how exciting this whole journey will be.

Grey Winter in Schwerin

During my last visit in Schwerin, to do some administrative stuff, I captured these shoots.

Autumn 2015
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